Holding money is a great use. Separating the money by coin with the purpose of teaching my kids about the different coins and their worth. We are saving our "pennies" for family fun. My girls love contributing to the growing coin jars! When they find coins while we are out and about they can not wait to get home to drop them in the jar. They also love to "find" coins in my room, usually on top of my dresser from daddy's pockets, and excitedly show me more coins to contribute to the jar. This is a great way to teach kids about saving money in a fun, family style way.
I left the top open for easy dropping!
How can I even express my love for these old turquoise jars? The two on the right look clear, but in reality they are just lighter than the one on the left. Gorgeous! They used to be filled with marbles, but I lost them. No not really... about them being filled with marbles... the other part is obviously true as evidence in this post!
Remember my button jar in my laundry room? It was a jar that held pasta sauce. When I realized Classico jars are mason jars, I morned the loss of all the ones I threw away. Just tossed in the trash like garbage.
Each of my girls have jars filled with shells, pebbles, rocks or stones. They found these while at the beach or a fun day out enjoying nature and wanted to bring home a little memory from the day. I tied each jar with a different ribbon that coordinates to a frame I painted for each of them. My girls have loved this! Always makes me happy to see my children latch onto my simple ways of saying "you are special."
Well I will put a lid on it and say clearly I love mason jars!
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