We left our sunny vacation spot on Wed. to start the two day drive back home. The first day of our drive went like a dream. We just couldn't believe how smooth everything went, especially when traveling with five young kids! When we reached our target city and checked into our hotel for the night my oldest daughter and I did a happy dance! We actually were going to make it home just after our kitchen countertops would be installed and in perfect time to watch the backsplash installation. Then came the text from our contractor informing me of the "less than ideal" situation he encountered with our granite slabs. Don't worry he told me, he and his crew were working round the clock to make sure all was perfect. However... However is always the clue word for, there is a change in what you had planned ... However the countertops will not be going in on the next day as planed. Yes there they were... Those words, "Not as planned." At first we were disappointed. My first thought was, "Oh man! I have waited so long and I really thought I would be walking in the door from vacation to a new kitchen." Then it hit me! Disappointment disappeared as excitement rose up in my heart when I realized, this may not be what was planned but it is what I had hoped for. I had hoped I could be home to witness the installation of my kitchen. Now I would be home! Yay! The plan was now set, we would make it back home in time for our kitchen transformation.
Begin day two of our road trip and those clear skies we had on day one, would not be present the whole drive through. We were informed of the possibility of having to stop for the night. Hey wait a second that isn't the plan. We had planned to make it home today. To be home in time for installation. Plan changed once again. Well the weather did pick up and due to snowy conditions the freeway was closed and we were left with no choice but had to spend another night in a hotel. This bringing me back to missing out on countertop install.
With in all these unplanned moments are treasures I never could have planned. Lots of laughs were had. After a quick check into the last available hotel we headed to a pizzeria for an early dinner. I punched in the address into the GPS and began to follow "the nice lady's" instructions. Round and round we went yet never arriving at our destination. Frustration was beginning to set in, then my five year old pipes up from the back seat, "Mom! I don't know if you realize but we keep going in circles!" My mom and I broke out laughing! We gave up on the GPS and went to a different pizza place that we had circled around all those many times around. Turned out it was better than what we had originally planned! Another funny situation and now treasured moment we have is, as it was snowing like crazy, the only shoes I had accessible for my girls were flip flops. Slushing around the parking lot was not my plan but for the short distance we had to walk, the girls had a blast. My oldest daughter teased me saying, "Mom people are going to think your a terrible mom putting your kids in flip flops in this weather!" Another burst of laughter in our series of "Not what I had planned" moments!
So here I am in my unplanned, unexpected second hotel for what is now a three, maybe more, day road trip home.
As for our kitchen, I will miss the counter install but the "plan" is I will be home for the install of the backsplash.
Our carpet was installed in the basement today, earlier than planned. Here are the pictures my sweet husband (who flew home from our vacation) sent me.
Let me just add, I am glad I don't have the final say on all of my plans. They usually turn out better than I could have ever planned!
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