I have been very blessed and excited to be reconnected with an old... well let's say instead, a former neighbor of mine (we both seem to be feeling our age these days). We grew up next door to each other for many years. She is a few years ahead of me (see not using the word old) and I always looked up to her. One talent my sweet friend possessed as a kid, was to the amazing way of eating Ramen Noodles. She would slowly drop the noodle down her throat. I was in awe as a child watching her bravery. Another main part of the memory is a group of kids around the table having fun while eating an ordinary lunch of noodles.
Thus inspired lunch for my girls today. Ramen Noodles (I add corn and peas) in fun bowls (purchased at Walmart) with kid easy chopsticks. They are at the table as I type, laughing and having fun while eating an ordinary, no thrills, easy prep lunch! Can not beat that
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