
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Order and Linking Up

Hi there! Hope you are all enjoying your last days of summer! Here at our Created Home we are taking the day to get organized! School is just days away for us. Breath! Just breath is what I have been telling myself for the past couple of days. As many mom's get their kids ready to be off at school, I am getting my house ready to have my kids home for school. I thrive on organization and order. A home with five kids, a husband and a dog... well order is not always... well in order. So today we are working together as a family to try and bring back some order to areas that have gone completely out of control. In a later post I will be revealing the hard work from today.
I also wanted to say hi to Tammy over at TypeA! I came across her blog days ago through another blog I follow. I am linking up with her party. Go ahead and click the link to find out why I love what she is doing over there at Type A. Enjoy!