
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ruffled Burp Cloth for Baby

Darling burp clothes are one of my favorite things for baby. Whether you bottle feed or nurse your baby you have to burp your baby. Those little bubbles in baby's tummy have to be patted out into what sometimes ends up coming out in more than just a burp if you know what I mean. Why not have a soft and cute burp cloth for baby hanging over your shoulder?

When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter I turned some regular cloth diapers into cozy, soft minky burpies. Now you can find these all over the Internet it seems... some at prices that astonish me.  Oh the price we pay for CUTE!
If you have a sewing machine and can sew in a straight line, then there is nothing preventing you from making your own like I did. The ones pictured here are for a friend who is having a baby girl, no worries my baby boy will not be subjected to pink burpies!

Before we jump into the simple diaper cloth burpie (I will do in my next post), let's walk through how I made the smaller ruffled, minky and flannel burp cloth.
I first cut out my flannel  and minky fabrics in a rounded shape. I used a burp cloth I had for a pattern, but you could cut one out of paper to the shape and size you desire.
I then pinned the ruffle first to my flannel fabric, since the ruffle I chose was being folded in half. It seemed easier for me to get the ruffle on one piece and then both pieces of fabric later.
Hint: You could make this more simply by adding Ric Rack instead of a more challenging ruffle ribbon like this one.

I then pinned the minky fabric using the same pins in the flannel. I am sure this is probably the hard way of doing it, but it was what I found to be best in my very limited sewing knowledge.
Pinned and ready to be sewn together.
 All done! Ready for a most adorable baby girl! Burp away baby!