
Monday, January 31, 2011

According to Me this Accordion Hook Made Better

I found this accordion hook at a thrift store for $.99 and what a steal of deal it turned out to be. I have been a fan of these fun hooks for awhile now. I saw one featured in The Land of Nod catalog awhile back and just was not willing to pay the price they wanted.

Amazing what a little paint can do to a not so attractive item. Here is how this accordion hook was transformed. According to me, a definite improvement was made

First I painted the hook white to act like a primer, covering that not so beautiful dark wood stain.

Then I painted it red in a water wash. Dipped my brush in water and then in the red paint. I wanted some of the white to show through just a tad.

I then painted the pegs a solid red. The same red as before, just not washed down.

I cut out a star template from card stock. Traced around my star, rotating the star each time. The star was then painted a light blue.

I wanted the star to wrap around just a bit. I did one coat of blue so some of the red would show through. Keeping the wash effect consistent.

I painted the tops of the pegs the same light blue. I decided to do half stars and half just red. Sometimes less is just best. So as you can see the top pieces of wood are stars and the underneath are red. According to me, this could not have been easier for a fun result!