
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thankful Thanksgiving

A great deal has changed for me personally since the last time we all met here. I entered my previous post, left for vacation and then returned home with the knowledge that another precious baby is to born to our family. Exciting news indeed, just very unexpected and took me by complete surprise, leaving me in shock for days! I have now entered my second trimester and life around my Created Home seems to be resuming back to order.

I would like to share with you some of the things I have been up to. Let us begin with Thanksgiving. I was a little behind the rest of the world in getting ready to receive dinner guests into our home for Thanksgiving. I found this out when I ventured into the stores in search of festive fall table decorations, only to find, Christmas was all around me. Thankfully, my thrifty finds did not break the bank, since the only things in stores were the clearance items. Maybe not what I had originally envisioned for my table scape, but I do have to say all turned out beautiful and festive.
Bought these sunflowers on clearance for $3.49!  

I did not have enough napkin rings so I tied them up with sparkle ribbon.

The table runners I bought on clearance, but the two different colors worked for my tables.   

The hanging plate shelf was one of my thrifty garage sale finds!