
Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Paint Predicament

How many paint samples have I brought home, I wonder? Stacks litter my dresser and nightstand at the moment. When it comes to choosing paint for my master bedroom, it is a decision I do not take lightly. I have vaulted ceilings and the okay from my husband to go ahead and paint. The paint that I choose I know I must be happy with for years to come. Years... years stuck with a color I can not stand. That is a great deal of pressure to have on oneself. I do not want to live with painters remorse so I am choosing very thoughtfully. In the beginning  I thought I wanted warm colors to coat my walls, but have since been leaning toward, light and refreshing. This decision is really becoming a real "paint" in my... head. Yes that is what I said, head, not what you thought I was going to say. All I can think about, all I can envision is paint. Day and night I imagine myself in my room with a warm shade of brown on my walls and then change to a crisp light color, or a nice gray shade. I try to imagine how I would feel waking up in the morning to each different paint color. The reality is I am torn. So here is what I have narrowed the paint choices down to (for now any way). I will continue dreaming in paint colors and I know I will arrive at the right decision for my master bedroom. Once I do, I will not regret my choice, but rather, I will be very satisfied with the paint that dresses my walls. After all I am having fun with this redo and am in no rush for the fun to end.

*Disclaimer: Paint does look different in person.*