
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vanilla Cookies with Marshmallow Melt Choclolate and Butterscotch Chips

Simple smile makers have been a theme around our house. Here is yet another easy, yummy treat bound to make your lips turn up... into a smile. 
Vanilla cookies with marshmallow melt with milk chocolate chips and butterscotch chips.
Here is what I did and what you need.
Vanilla cookies or Nilla Waffers
Mini marshmallows
Sauce pan
Wax paper
Chocolate chips
Butterscotch chips or any kind you desire
What to do:
Melt butter and mini marshmallows in sauce pan and stir together. Same way you would if making Rice Krispie treats. Once melted spoon the mixture on to the bottom side of each of the cookies. Top with chocolate chips(or the kind you choose) on half of the amount of cookies. Then take the cookies with out the chips and top the cookies that have chocolate chips to make cookie sandwiches. I laid all the cookies out on wax paper first and then topped them.

My girls kept saying "mmmMMMmmmMMM!" as they were devouring them!

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