
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Guest Post - Place Mats

 Hi all! I am super excited to introduce you to a very dear old... um let me rephrase... a very dear, long time friend. We grew up right next door to each other for many years. Life took hold of both of us, we lost contact only to be brought back in touch over a year ago. Oh glory day! As many of you know I have a three month old little boy... well my wonderful friend has a three month old little girl. Our babies are the best of friends even though we live a thousand miles away from each other oh and they have never met. Minor detail. Any how my amazing friend Diane is a mother to three beautiful kids! She blogs over at Cherishing All Our Moments and had her little ones make the place mats I shared with you awhile back. See post here. I just love that her sweet little ones had a blast making them. They turned out so darling and I just had to share them with you. Hope you enjoy. And now my friend Diane...

Thank you so much Carrie for the wonderful idea of making place mats!! Gavin and Emma really really really loved this project and they have such great conversations now about their beautiful work while they eat. It is so neat to see how something so simple can be such a huge deal in their eyes. Here are pics of the place mats they made...I included a photo of each side...they had fun picking out a few different pictures that I had in a stack for their place mats.The sequin idea was the icing on the cake. Emma put hers on in piles and Gavin was very meticulous.