
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Homeschool Fun

Letter of the week Bb!

We all have to learn them so why not make it fun? Learning our letters does not have to be boring it can be better than that it can be the best fun!
Here is a sample of the fun we have at school with letters. First I decide on a letter for the week. I print out something like you see pictured here. We talk about the sound the letter makes, read the words, they think of some on their own and then... they run! They run around the house/ classroom finding things that start with the letter of the week. In this case the letter B!
Other times we bring something to share that starts with our letter of the week. Snack, lunch, dessert, craft and so on can go right along with the letter of the week.

They placed the items they found for the letter Bb in my basket. Then I pulled out what they found and we talked about why or how it fit with the letter.

They found:
Ballet slippers
Bowling Ball
Blue Ballerina
Baby Bottle
Blue Elephant with a Bird

We then sang songs and read poems about Bumblebees! So for our craft, what else but Bumblebees! I love that the wings for the Bees are their hand prints!

Here is the link for the template we used.
Handprint Bumblebee Craft

We are BUZY Bees around our home school classroom! I hope you join in the BEST fun and try these fun learning letter ideas with your little ones! You will see the BIGGEST smile appear on their beautiful faces!