
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fun Food For Kids or Kids at Heart

Making food fun for kids is a great way to get them to eat what you set before them. Also it communicates I care about you... you are worth my extra effort. Here are two ways I "fun up" an ordinary meal.

First is to cut a sandwich into shapes. You could do a different shape each week for those of you who are at the stage of teaching your little one his/her shapes. A shape of the week theme.

The second way I add extra fun to a meal is a tip a friend shared with me years ago. Octopus hot dogs! Can you say FUN! Sometimes I serve them with tri-color pasta and we pretend it is seaweed. I have served it on top of buttered spaghetti noodles... really the options are up to your imagination. It is a sure way to put a smile on your little ones face.
How to make these octopus hot dogs is really simple. Before you cook them cut eight tentacles half way up the hot dog. Then make two slits for eyes and a slit for a smiling mouth. Place in a pan, bring to a boil, watch the tentacles curl and the smile appear.