
Friday, September 17, 2010

A Classy Classroom

Our home is more than just our home, it is also the main place of education for our children. Homeschooling four different age children is a challenge, but one I thoroughly enjoy. When I set out to take on the full time role as teacher to my girls, I was set on needing to have a proper classroom. Last year we made a very official classroom in our basement... unfinished basement. Coming from California, we do not have basements like we do here in Colorado, so I had no idea just how cold it would be down there in the  winter. That became a challenge in and of itself, so we began meeting at the kitchen table. A very common place among home school families. However I noticed not only for the children but for me as well, we were given to more distractions. Also during this period of time, we opened our home to some dear friends to come and live with us. They had their choice of one of the family bedrooms, but they preferred the basement. Meaning I needed to find a new location for my classroom. 
My husband is the senior Pastor of our little church so we also have a rather constant flow of people in our home, so I knew it needed to be in a location where I could close the door. The only option I had was, turning my youngest daughter's room into our classroom. I moved her into her oldest sister's room and set up her PINK bedroom as our classroom temporarily while we had house guests.  I have since changed my mind on the temporary plan and went to permanent. My girls have become very accustomed to sharing a room and sad at the thought of being separated. Also I really want a year round weather friendly room, so I am happy to stay. What I was not happy about was the pink! I love pink, I better love it with four girls, but for a classroom it was just a little much for my senses. 
I also decided that due to the large amounts of time I spend in my classroom and the fact that it is much smaller than my previous basement classroom, I really wanted it to be pleasing to my eye. I wanted it to have a mixed feel of classroom, but office, maybe even craft room for me. That was going to mean getting rid of the pink for sure, among other decorating "things". To have a desire is one thing but to have the reality of what is that going to cost me is... well can be what stops desire from happening. Because I have an amazing God who cares about the desires of my heart, I was able to bring the desire to reality. Though I am not finished yet, I am just too excited to wait any longer to share with you the transformation. The paint I used ( and no one else since I painted all on my own) was on the refused paint stand  at Lowe's reduced to only $5.00! The valance I bought was on clearance for only $6.24! The chalk board (that is not hung YET) was only $10.00 at a garage sale, all my official school furniture I purchased through the use of Craigslist last year. The temporary desk/ table and chair for me, is on loan from a friend, until she needs it back or I find something budget friendly or free. The chair shelf I am using to display shells was purchased at a garage sale for only $1.00. The picture frame I turned into flannel board (I used black burlap) also from a garage sale for a buck! The curtain rod I found at Ross for $4.00. A grand total (not including the school furniture I purchased last year) is... are you ready... $27.24! For so little, I was able so far, to transform this room into a place I want to spend time in! All things are possible with God. 
Don't give up on your desires for your home! Think outside of your "box" and see what you can come up with, to create a space you like being in.
Taken at a point when my oldest daughter had to share this room with the baby due to house guests in her room. 

More things will be added to the walls
A little bit of home... shells from California beaches!
Our former basement classroom. First day of school, the chalk board was since hung. Started this year with the chalk board on the ground also. Funny! 
Unfinished basement means unfinished ceilings... I am glad to be in our new classroom! I do miss the space though! It was even bigger than what is shown in these two photos.  Warm winter days to come in the new classroom!