
Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to School

 The summer season is almost behind us, as free summer days have now turned into school days. I am in disbelief that my youngest daughter is already in Preschool as my oldest is now in fourth grade! The years seem to be flying past leaving only memories to hold onto. As this school year approaches for some and has arrived for others, may I encourage us all to treasure these days. Treasure them as your children absorb new nuggets of knowledge. Treasure them as questions seem unending and homework or homeschool work seems increasing. Treasure these school days for they fly by so fast leaving only pictures, snapshots, mental memories of days gone so fast.
 Note: The coffee is mine not my girl's.
Here is how the first part of our school day runs so smoothly...
baby swing + LOTS of "D" batteries= productive school day!