
Monday, June 20, 2011

Adding A Bit of Ric Rac

A very simple addition to curtains really brings up the fun aspect! In this case adding a bit of Ric Rac to a pair of denim curtains brought about that bit of something extra  I was looking for. As well as adding some red to help break up a whole lot of blue.

 This is the part when I get to the how I did it. CAUTION... for any of you who are great sewers or posses amazing talents, this is not for you. Just scroll on down. Mom that includes you!!!

I thought about sewing on the Ric Rac and then I got wise! Do I want this very simple addition to turn into a two day project? So instead I got out my handy dandy hot glue gun.
Tuning my glue gun on low, I simply put my glue along the edge of the curtain and glued the Ric Rac right where I wanted it. SIMPLE!

Oh wait remember how simple this project was supposed to be? Well my little guy decided to add some extra effort to it by fussing at me. My solution stick him on the stroller next to me. Then each of my girls took a turn pushing him around (the only time I condone pushing in our family) to keep him content. For me this project took a bit of extra time, but for you minus the fussy baby it will be a matter of minutes!

Just a peak... here are the curtains hung in my daughter and baby boy's room. Soon the whole room will be revealed! Remember we are just waiting on my daughter's custom made bedding from my amazing mom! 

A very simple addition really added some extra fun to the room!