
Sunday, March 13, 2011

80 Nails Painted!

I have four kids... that translates to mean I am the keeper and maintainer of 80 finger nails and toe nails (not including my own)! I remember when I was pregnant with my third child and it dawning on me jut how many fingers and toes I needed to keep manicured... oh man! I should have gotten my manicurist license!
We are headed off on a child's dream vacation (and a child at heart like myself) to Walt Disney World. I had the bright idea to paint each of my girls finger nails and toes and adorn them with a Mickey Mouse head. Remember I do not have my manicurist license so do not judge the appearance of my girls nails. Thankfully to my girls they do not look like black hearts, but rather Mickey Mouse and that is all that counts.
What I used to create Mickey Mouse:
Nail Polish
Q-tip with the cotton taken off the end
Toothpick with the pointed tip cut off

What I did:
I first painted the nail the color of my daughter's choice
Then once the nail was dry, I put black paint on the end of the bald Q-tip. I used this for Mickey's head. Then I put black paint on the end of the cut off toothpick for Mickey's ears.
There you have it. Very easy to make Mickey... um for a professional or a talented person like yourself. I have very happy girls who are all the more excited about their Disney Vacation! Just a bit of added extra fun!