
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Turkey {Shaped} Cake Pops

Gobble! Gobble! Is exactly what will happen to these cute, full of personality and delicious Turkey cake pops!

Here is what you will need:
Cake Mix
Mini Marshmallows cut in 1/3 for the eyes
Candy Corn for feathers and beak
Red Starburst Candy softened in the microwave
Round sprinkles for the eyeballs
Lollipop sticks
Bark Coating Chocolate or Candy Melts
Wax Paper

Google Cake Pops and you will find many great tutorials already exist on the "how to" of making Cake Pops. I used the method from Instructables which I believe is a Bakerella original.

Turkeys take shape...
After making cake balls, I pulled and formed the head from the cake ball. Once covered in chocolate I placed all the Turkey "parts" where they belonged. If the chocolate dries before you are able to place things on, use a dab of chocolate like glue. For the beak, cut the candy corn length wise. Break off the yellow end and white tip leaving you with an orange beak. The red Starburst candy needs to be softened in the microwave, flattened and cut into strips. I then twisted it.  The whites of the eyes are Marshmallows divided in 1/3. I then stuck a single sprinkle in the middle. I used both blue and green, to add to the different personalities my Turkeys were taking on.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Maintenance Monday

Maintenance Monday is something new we are trying out around our Created Home. So far I am loving this simple addition to my kids regular daily chores. With a family of seven my daily upkeep of our home just keeps increasing. It dawned on me, along with the work increase so is the age increase of my kids. Translation... they are capable of doing more to help out. Oh happy day!
I am using my classroom chalkboard to write the job for each child. Each Monday may have different maintenance needs, so a chalkboard works out great.
Even my three year old gets in on the fun. She often comes to me during the week and asks me if she can feather dust. Oh and another fun dusting tip for little hands. Use an old sock. They simply place it on their hand and wipe away. You can let them decorate the top of the sock to make it even more fun.